From maintaining body temperatures to lubricating joints, staying hydrated plays a pivotal role in maintaining the ideal state of our body. Especially in summer, with temperatures climbing up and profuse sweating, a consistent intake of water is necessary to have energy, transport vital nutrients, and flush out toxins.
Although we all keep hearing that, staying hydrated is essential. It is highly overlooked, which ends up causing more trouble for the body. Even a 1–2% loss of body weight due to water can affect the body’s ability to cool itself and affect your performance immensely.
In this blog, let’s cover the importance of staying hydrated and tips to ensure ideal water intake.
We are made up of 40 to 70% water, depending on age and fitness level. This comments on the pivotal role that water plays in our body. Even a 3–4% water loss can cause heart ailments, injuries, painful cramps, and other complications.
Proper hydration aids in maintaining optimal body temperature, preventing infections, delivering nutrients and minerals to cells, and generally maintaining bodily functions.
Furthermore, drinking plenty of water is often connected to weight loss and management by giving the feeling of satiation.
Kidney stones can also be prevented by drinking ideal amounts of water, which prevents the formation of the stones by diluting the mineral formation.
Water also acts as an inbuilt detox mechanism, ridding the body of waste and toxins and thus improving health. H2O also prevents UTIs from forming by regularly flushing out the bacteria from the bladder.
Hydration also ensures retaining moisture in the skin, promising a slow aging process.
Drinking water also keeps the mouth clean, and when consumed in place of sweetened beverages, it can also reduce tooth decay.
The absence of enough water in the body can cause havoc. Our body is smart and tries to send signals of distress by means of various symptoms. Thirst is the first symptom of mild dehydration that we are all quite capable of feeling and addressing.
Dehydration may happen due to various reasons, including a long, hot day without enough water intake, fever, diarrhea, or vomiting.
Below are the most common symptoms of dehydration in adults:
Symptoms in kids may differ, and parents need to pay close attention since kids can’t communicate as well as adults.
Follow these 7 tips to stay hydrated and happy in your own body.
4. Consuming water-rich fruits and vegetables ensures water consumption while providing vitamins and minerals.
5. Limiting coffee and alcohol ensures proper water intake. Since coffee is a diuretic, it is advisable to drink more water to equalize the water loss from coffee.
6. Staying indoors during the summer, especially during the peak hours, ensures less water loss.
7. Certain medications have diuretic effects, so it is wise to consult doctors and act according to the instructions.
Hydration holds paramount importance for the well-being of our health and body. Water is essential for a myriad of bodily functions, including temperature regulation, nutrient transportation, and waste elimination.
Dehydration, on the other hand, leads to multiple problems, including decreased energy levels, impaired cognitive abilities, and an increased risk of health issues like kidney stones and urinary tract infections.
This summer holidays beat the heat by taking enough water and enjoying the fresh skies.