If there’s something the whole world could agree upon, it is the importance of having a healthy life. 


We are at an age where it is more accessible to purchase and consume junk foods over fruits and vegetables. Day after day, we are eating foods laden with sugar and oil that are silently killing us slowly. 


Once you cross the threshold, you will start experiencing jarring symptoms that will disrupt the quality of your life and cause relentless discomfort.

Although unfortunate circumstances occur due to long-term negligence, improving your lifestyle by picking up healthy habits proves to be a huge measure in leading a happy and healthy life. 

Coronary Heart Disease: An Overview


When people talk about heart disease, it most often conveys coronary heart disease, also called CAD. It is the most common type of heart disease in the current population, affecting over 200 million people.


CAD happens when the coronary arteries that transfer blood to the heart are narrowed or blocked by plaque deposits. Plaque is made of cholesterol and other fatty substances, which sometimes break, leading to a blood clot. 


The blocks prevent oxygen-rich blood from reaching the heart, causing pain and heart attacks. Symptoms may vary from person to person, and in most cases, people don’t realize the underlying trouble until it's too late. 


It is also notable that, according to the American Heart Association, close to 90% of cardiovascular diseases may be prevented. Prevention just requires two elements: education and action. 


Risk Factors of CAD 

When it comes to cardiac arrest and other coronary artery diseases, there are a considerable number of risk factors. 


  1. Age increases the risk of narrowed and damaged coronary arteries.
  2. Sex: Women after menopause are more susceptible. Generally, men face a greater risk of CAD.
  3. Smoking: People who smoke face a higher risk of CAD, and breathing secondhand smoke is also equally likely to cause heart disease. 
  4. High blood pressure: Those with unregulated high blood pressure are more likely to have arterial stiffness. The hard and stiff arteries cause slow blood flow and cause narrowing.
  5. Lack of Sleep: Undersleeping and oversleeping are both related to heart disease. 

Tips for a Heart-Smart and Healthy Life

Lifestyle habits that are used to treat the disease can also be employed for prevention, especially when it comes to heart disease.


Healthy Heart Habits for life

You can follow the below steps to improve your overall health and lead a comfortable and healthy life. Further, it is also pivotal to follow healthy habits consistently and not relapse into your old habits. 


Lose weight


Obesity is one of the primary factors that contribute to heart disease. It is suggested to have an ideal body mass index (BMI as the baseline. If you are overweight, an initial loss of 10% of your body weight is recommended. Weight loss helps in controlling hypertension, blood lipid levels, and diabetes and supports healthy living. 


Exercise Regularly

Moderate and intense aerobic activities prove to decrease the risk of coronary heart disease. Regular exercises also improve lung function and benefit your mental health. It also improves the heart’s ability to pump blood and widen the capillaries that deliver oxygen. Likewise, regular exercise improves the quality of your life. 


Improve Your Diet

An improper diet is a main contributing factor to obesity, high cholesterol, uncontrolled diabetes, and hypertension. To prevent heart disease, you are recommended to consume a heart healthy diet with a lot of saturated fat, high fiber, and high protein. In addition, it would be a good choice to avoid junk food and highly processed foods. 


Quit alcohol and tobacco.

If you are in the habit of taking alcohol or tobacco, it would be a good idea to quit. Both habits are proven to worsen the conditions of heart disease. Too much alcohol increases blood pressure and may even lead to a stroke. Tobacco contains more than 4000 harmful chemicals. Nicotine specifically causes the body to release adrenaline and narrows the blood vessels. 

Heart-protective nutrients for a healthy life


Even while having a proper diet, it would be good to keep in mind the nutrient values of your foods. Certain foods have nutrients that aid in preventing heart-related diseases and also help with other conditions like hypertension, inflammation, and cholesterol levels. 



  1. Leafy green vegetables 
  2. Whole grains
  3. Berries
  4. Avocados
  5. Fatty fish and fish oil 
  6. Walnuts
  7. Chia, flax, and hemp seeds
  8. Green Tea
  9. Tomatoes
  10. Almonds

Spend quality time alone and pursue peacefulness.

Although it might come as a surprise, long-term stress can wreak havoc on your body. It causes higher levels of inflammation, which increases the risk of plaque formation. 


Continuous stress triggers our body to release cortisol.  It increases blood cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, and blood pressure when released in profound amounts. 

In a stress-inducing environment, it is crucial to practice mindfulness and proactively address the underlying causes. Build your support system and take breaks to calm yourself down by engaging in activities such as listening to music, drawing, or any creative outlet that allows you to express your concerns and frustrations.


 Please consult a healthcare professional as soon as possible if you are facing depression, anxiety, or any mental health-related conditions,




Heart diseases are one of the most common yet so dangerous conditions that affect millions of people every year. By prioritizing regular physical activity, maintaining a balanced diet low in saturated fats and sugars, managing stress effectively, abstaining from smoking, limiting alcohol intake, and attending regular medical check-ups, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of developing heart-related conditions. 

The journey to a happier and healthier life may seem pretty easy; however, it is crucial to be consistent to reap the benefits. 
